How I Know You’re Going To Succeed

This post is somewhat self-serving. I apologize in advance. But, I’m on target with this, so as my twelve year old daughter likes to say, “it needs to be said.”

You’re visiting this site. You come nearly every week. Sometimes you check daily. Many of you subscribe and have these articles delivered straight to your feed reader or email box.

There’s one thing I know about you. You’re going to have a very successful business. In fact, you likely already have a successful practice.

You’re a life long learner. That’s why you’re here and that’s why you’ll keep doing well. You never stop searching for new ideas and information to help you grow your revenues, manage your expenses, and become more efficient. I love people like you.

In fact, you’re the person I’m writing for. My passion is helping you in every way I can. The spark I see in your eyes gives me a spark in mine. You are the source of a huge amount of energy for me. Your passion energizes me. Thanks for that.

I love that you keep hunting for more ideas to keep growing and doing well. I absolutely love it. I wish we could spark that enthusiasm in others. But we probably can’t.

They tell me they don’t have time to adopt new approaches – they’re too busy. They don’t have time to try marketing techniques – they’re too busy. They don’t have time to innovate, to manage, to market, to adapt, to change, to expand – they’re too busy. Of course, they then start crying about how they’re not making enough money, how they’re working all the time, how they’re on overload, overwhelm, and are approaching burnout.

They’ve got no spark, no energy, no passion, no curiosity, no love of learning, no passion. They’re not you. Not even close.

Chicken, egg? I don’t know.

But I do know – and I know it with all of my heart – that you’re going to keep doing amazing things.

Thanks for spending some of your time here.

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