Do You Want More Clients?

You want clients seeking a divorce. There are plenty of clients seeking a divorce. Unfortunately, many of them are not coming to you.

You want clients who’d like to sit down with an attorney offering full-service representation. You’d like clients who call on the phone and schedule an appointment. You’d like clients who write a check when presented with a bill. You’d like clients who judge you based on your reputation among your peers and the judiciary. You’d like clients who feel comfortable in an office with nice furniture. You’d like clients who admire your framed diplomas and license on the wall. You’d like clients who want exactly what it is that you’re offering.

There aren’t enough of those clients.

There are plenty of clients who want something different.

Here’s what they want:

  • They want a lawyer who meets them when and where they want.
  • They want a lawyer who can talk to them right now.
  • They want a lawyer who responds to them in real-time via text, Facebook message, e-mail, etc.
  • They want a lawyer who gives them his or her cell phone number.
  • They want a lawyer who interacts with them online.
  • They want a lawyer who accepts credit cards, PayPal, and other forms of online payment.
  • They want a lawyer who helps them figure out how to afford the service.
  • They want a lawyer who expands and contracts his or her virtual team based on the requirements of the case.
  • They want a lawyer who will share their data and file online.
  • They want a lawyer who drafts forms when that’s all they want.
  • They want a lawyer who offers unbundled services, bundled services, kind of bundled, barely bundled, and never-before-bundled services.
  • They want a lawyer who treats them as the boss instead of as the employee.
  • They want a lawyer who jumps when they say jump.
  • They want a lawyer who acts like they matter and like they’re the most important client the lawyer has ever represented.
  • They want a lawyer who doesn’t call himself or herself a lawyer.
  • They want a lawyer who listens when they call—really listens.
  • They want a lawyer who remembers what they said.
  • They want a lawyer who reads their e-mails.
  • They want a lawyer who doesn’t wear a suit or one who wears a suit, depending on what works for them.
  • They want a lawyer who friends them on Facebook and actually becomes their friend.
  • They want a lawyer who gets personally involved.
  • They want a lawyer they can brag about.
  • They want a lawyer to ask them what they want and then deliver it.

They each want something different. Some want some of the above—others want it all.

You’d like a steady stream of clients. You’d like them to walk in the door and pay you what you’re worth. Ideally, they’d let you tell them what you know, and they’d follow your advice.

Is this about what you want, or is it about what they want? If you want more clients, then that’s a question worth considering.

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