6 Steps to More Referrals Next Year

Would you like more quality referrals next year?

Of course you would. Here’s how to turn this holiday season into referral season.

Here’s a quick action plan for making that happen. This is low-hanging fruit. This is easy, and it works.

Do the following:

1. List

Make a list of your top 10 referral sources. These might be folks who sent you dozens of prospective clients, or they might have simply sent you one. Top 10 means top 10. This works regardless of how many clients they’ve sent.

2. Think

Think about a holiday gift for each of these folks. Think hard. What would they like? Remember your conversations and rack your brain. You’ve got time now to think about it, so put your big brain to work. Did they mention chocolate? Or motorcycle racing? Or a sport team or a kid’s interest? What do they talk about that translates into a thing?

3. Default

Come up with a default gift idea if you can’t think of the perfect gift. And, if you can’t think of the perfect gift, then chide yourself and listen harder going forward. Good default gifts are chocolate, coffee/tea, gift baskets, etc. Just pick something generic because that’s the best you can do when you can’t come up with something special.

4. Order It

Buy the gift. Spend what’s appropriate to the situation and comply with your ethics rules. If this person is sending great clients, then send a great gift. But—and this is true—it’s the thought that counts. I’ve received many $300 gifts that had no greater impact than $20 gifts.

5. Write a Note

Prepare a handwritten thank you note. Write it yourself. Take the time (we’re only talking 10 notes here). Write something personal. Make it clear that you’re grateful.

6. Deliver It

Take it over yourself if possible. Just do the pop-in and drop it off. Delivering it is more powerful than having it shipped. Of course, ship it if necessary.

That’s it. This really is easy. You’ll be able to get this done in a few hours and spend as little as $300. The return on investment will come all year long. Do it. Do it now.

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