Answers to All the Important Questions

  • Where do I get more clients?
  • Should I quit my job?
  • How do I get more visitors to my website?
  • How do I keep my employees happy?
  • What kind of employees should I hire?
  • Should I use this practice management system or the other one?
  • Should I outsource my bookkeeping?
  • Do I need an associate?
  • Should I hire someone to write my blog posts?

Do you want the answers to these questions and all the other questions you’ve got about building a successful practice?

The answers are free. They’re right in front of you. They all come from the same place.

With the investment of a day, you can have the answer to every single question.

And it’ll be a day you enjoy.

The answers are found in your vision for your practice. The vision drives the answers. Without the vision, you’ll never know the answers.

With a vision, the answers come easily. In fact, once you know where you’re going, the questions answer themselves.

If you don’t know where you’re going, then any road will get you there. If you have no vision, then you’re driving blind.

Asking questions without a vision is like asking which kind of car you need before you’ve determined whether your trip requires a plane, a car, or just new shoes. The cart’s not before the horse. We don’t yet know whether we need a cart or a horse.

How to Find Your Vision

You’ve got to know what you want. You’ve got to see it before you build it. You can’t create the outcome you want if you haven’t decided what the heck you’re trying to create.

Please, please, please go sign up for my free online course called Rosen’s Rules. It lasts 10 days. On day two, you’ll be asked to work on your vision.

Will you do the work required to create a law practice vision? Will you sit quietly and come up with a plan for the future of your business? It’s only important if you want to make things happen so you’ll end up with what you want. You decide.

Here’s the link. Go sign up. Take the course. Other than the vision thing, the lessons are under 10 minutes. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s an essential element of your success.

What are you waiting for? Click on the link.

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