Podcast: How Many Lunches Until Success?

You want to grow your practice with referrals, but what does it really take to see solid returns? How many lunches should you spend connecting with now-strangers?

I hear a lot of numbers from lawyers trying this exact networking approach, and most of them are low. They’re not investing in themselves or their referral sources, and they give up. They quit not because networking doesn’t work but because they underestimate the commitment it takes to reap success.

I started my practice with nothing but referrals. We’ve trained many lawyers to adopt the same approach, and I’ve gotten it down to a science. The number of lunches it takes to start generating steady income is surprisingly attainable. Press play to learn the numbers that will work for any practice area, anywhere in the world.

You’ve got to eat. Why shouldn’t you be using that time to grow your practice?

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