Podcast: The Associate Is Leaving With the Clients

Some lawyers tell me that they won’t hire associates anymore because they feel like they’re just training their competitors. They describe a scenario that goes like this:

  1. Hire associate.
  2. Train associate.
  3. Fill associate up with clients.
  4. Associate departs with clients.

Yep, that’s depressing. I understand the reluctance to go through that more than once or twice.

But it’s possible to build a model that allows for the comings and goings of employees. People don’t stay forever, and it’s not unusual for turnover to happen sooner rather than later in our current economy. Get used to it. It’s the new normal.

The question then is, how do we deal with the associate’s departure when he or she wants to take the clients?

In this episode, I propose a course of action that might surprise you. Listen in as I make the case for handling the departure in a totally different manner than you might want to if driven by your emotions.

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